jueves, 14 de mayo de 2015

teatro cuento de navidad

Navidad en la calle

fantasma navidad futura
campanadas fantasmas pasada y presente

timbre puerta


2º Eso oraciones reciprocas y reflexivas ejer. extra para examen

    Identifica las frases recíprocas y reflexivas y justifica tu respuesta:
  1. Los niños se pegaron
  2. Haz primero tu tarea 
  3. No vuelvas por aquí
  4. Gisela se lava las manos con frecuencia
  5. Juan y Pedro se tutean
  6. ¡Que los cumplas feliz!
  7. Me he teñido el pelo ayer por la mañana
  8. El polo negativo y el polo positivo se atraen
  9. Ana y Teresa se respetan
  10. ¡Venid a ver esto!  
  11. Prohibido fumar  
  12. Mateo se admira a sí mismo.
  13. Ana y Carla se están ayudando a prepararse
  14. Los niños se pegaron patadas
  15. Juan y Pedro se saludan
  16. Javier y Lorenzo se insultaron con furia
  17. Micaela y su novio se envían regalos costosísimos
  18. Las dos amigas se saludaron efusivamente
  19. Madre e hija se abrazaron cariñosamente

lunes, 11 de mayo de 2015

3rd ESO conversation about the future

Conversation Questions about the future
  1. What are going to do tonight?
  2. What are you going to do this weekend?
  3. Where are you going on vacation next year?
  4. What are you doing tomorrow?
  5. When are you going to eat dinner?
  6. Will you go to university in the future?
  7. Will you travel when you are older?
  8. Will you lend me some money?
  9. Where will you live in the future?
  10. Why will you live there?
  11. What will you eat for dinner tonight?
  12. When are you going to do your homework?
  13. What time will you arrive home today?
  14. Will you marry when you are in your 20s?
  15. Will you do a lot of exercise when you are older?
  16. When are you going to exercise next?
  17. Who will make your dinner tonight?
  18. How will you celebrate your birthday this year?
  19. What job will you do in the future?
  20. When are you going to see your friends next?
  21. Which countries will you visit in the future?
  22. When will you go to the dentists next?
  23. How are you going to get good grades in your exam?
  24. How are you going to get home from school?
  25. When will you move out of your parents’ home?
  26. What are you going to do on Wednesday night?
  27. What are you going to do on Monday morning?
  28. What time will you go to sleep tonight?
  29. When are you going to see your boyfriend/girlfriend next?
  30. Are you going to watch TV tonight?
  31. Are you going to do your homework this week?
  32. Are you going to a music concert this month?